Tuesday 15 February 2011

Behind the scenes of photoshoot 1930s Fashion / Par fotek ze zakulisi foceni mody tricatych let

Hi guys,

It's finally here! The photos from my vintage photo shoot are ready! I think they look really great and exactly what I had hoped for (maybe even better)!

I would like to tell you a bit more about the idea behind the photoshoot set in the late 1930s. I might have mentioned before that my inspiration for this was a photo of my great grandma walking down the square in Prague in 1936. I began by researching the fashion, make-up and hair styling from that period of time and came across some black and white czech movies and completly fell in love with the photos of Lida Baarova (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmm8-2AqDSY)- a very beautiful czech actress. I had seen her before when my mum used to watch black and white movies every sunday when I was a little girl :-). This inspired me to try and create photos that would transport you back in time to when Czechoslovakia was a leading european country making beautiful movies.

And here are some behind the scenes photos! I want give a very big thank you to Magda (http://www.fotopatracka.cz/model/card.php?uid=36623&h=100&crd=1) who made a wonderful model, perfectly adapting to the theme and even braving the cold in just a light dress when it was about -5 degrees!
The beautiful make-up and hair was done by Lucka (www.lucielangerova.com) who is a very talented and professinal make-up artist! I couldnt have wished to work with any better! Not only did she create the look exactly as I had in mind but also went with us around Prague to do the touch-ups and small changes during the photoshoot, which all helped in getting the unique style for every photo! Thank you very much girls and I hope to work again with you both in the future! :-)

PS. Photos will be uploaded tomorrow!:-)

Tak je to konecne tady! Fotky 'Moda 30-tych let' jsou hotove! Myslim, ze vypadaji skvele, presne to v co jsem doufala (mozna jeste i lepsi)!!!

Chtela bych vam rict neco vic za mym napadem fotit prave modu a styl 30-tych let. Mozna jsem se jiz drive zminila, ze mne inspirovala fotka me prababicky jak jde dolu po Vaclavskem namesti v Praze z roku 1936. Zacala jsem vyhledavat ruzne informace o mode, stylu liceni a vlasech z te doby a narazila jsem na par cernobilych filmu pro pametniky a zamilovala jsem se do fotek Lidi Baarove (nemusim snad ceskemu narodu popisovat, jak krana Lida Baarova byla!:-)) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmm8-2AqDSY) Uz jsem ji samozrejme znala drive diky moji mamince, ktera se kazdou nedeli divala na filmy pro pametniky, kdyz jsem byla mala holka! :-) To mne trochu nakoplo, abych zkusila vytvorit fotky, ktere by vas prenesly zpet do casu, kdy ceskoslovenske filmy patrily mezi ty nejlepsi v Evrope!

Tady je par fotek ze zakulisi foceni! Chtela bych hrozne moc podekovat Magde (http://www.fotopatracka.cz/model/card.php?uid=36623&h=100&crd=1), ktera je skvela modelka, perfektne se vzila do sve role a dokonce i skvele ustala mrazy, ktere v te dobe v Praze panovaly!
Skvely make-up a vlasy vytvorila Lucka (www.lucielangerova.com)! Velmi profesionalni a talentovana vizazistka! Nemohla jsem si ani prat pracovat s lepsi vizazistkou! Nejen ze vytvorila vizaz jakou jsem presne mela na mysli, jeste s nami i vyrazila do ulic Prahy, aby na Magdine make-upu a vlasech delala drobne upravy! To pomohlo unikatni vizazi na kazde fotce!
Dekuji moc, holky! Doufam, ze budeme pokracovat a ze spolu budeme jeste v budoucnu pracovat!
PS. Fotky sem dodam zitra :-)

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