Sunday 27 February 2011

Photoshoot for charity!

Hi guys,

I have donated a voucher for photoshoot to the Auction for Charlotte - a charity which is helping a 3 year old girl Charlotte who survived meningitis. If you would like to get this voucher which is either family, portrait or boudoir photoshoot you can buy this voucher at the Horspath village hall on Friday 8th April...Read more about the Auction for Charlotte bellow... Please contribute to this auction if you can...We all can help this little girl to smile again :-)

Letter from Horspath Pre-School Nursery You may have heard, or seen in the Oxford Mail, about Charlotte Nott, a 3 year old girl from Horspath who survived meningitis a few weeks ago. As part of the battle against the disease, she had to have her limbs amputated. She has made an amazing recovery and is a very strong willed little girl.

She and her parents are keen for her to lead a normal life in the future despite what has happened to her. Charlotte attends Horspath Nursery and we have set up an Appeal on her behalf for donations and have been organising some small fundraising events to raise money to help her family purchase items to make Charlotte more comfortable at home and help with her recovery now that she has come out of hospital.

We are also trying to organise a big fundraiser for Charlotte to help her parents purchase a specialist computer for home. She and her parents are keen for her to return to the nursery as she was so happy with us and made lots of lovely friends. To enable her to return to nursery in the coming months we will also need to buy some specialist equipment for her.

We will therefore be holding an AUCTION FOR CHARLOTTE on Friday 8th April at Horspath Village Hall from 8pm. We are looking for donations for items we can auction off and your support for this worthy cause would be so much appreciated. Any donations should be confirmed in writing to

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Fashion of the 30s photoshoot / Moda 30-tych let

Model : Magdalena Klizova
Make-up artist: Lucie Langerova
Styling of the outfits and photography: Myself :-)

Hope you will enjoy the photos guys and please let me know what you think :-)
PS. I would also like to say thanks to my mum even though there wasnt much time she still taught me to love beautiful things in life!

Modelka: Magdalena Klizova
Vizazistka: Lucie Langerova
Vyber obleceni a fotografie: Ja :-)

Doufam, ze se vam budou libit a dejte mi vedet, co si myslite :-)

PS. Chci jeste vyjadrit me diky moji mamince :-)I presto, ze nikdy nebylo dost casu, naucila mne milovat krasne veci v zivote!

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Behind the scenes of photoshoot 1930s Fashion / Par fotek ze zakulisi foceni mody tricatych let

Hi guys,

It's finally here! The photos from my vintage photo shoot are ready! I think they look really great and exactly what I had hoped for (maybe even better)!

I would like to tell you a bit more about the idea behind the photoshoot set in the late 1930s. I might have mentioned before that my inspiration for this was a photo of my great grandma walking down the square in Prague in 1936. I began by researching the fashion, make-up and hair styling from that period of time and came across some black and white czech movies and completly fell in love with the photos of Lida Baarova ( a very beautiful czech actress. I had seen her before when my mum used to watch black and white movies every sunday when I was a little girl :-). This inspired me to try and create photos that would transport you back in time to when Czechoslovakia was a leading european country making beautiful movies.

And here are some behind the scenes photos! I want give a very big thank you to Magda ( who made a wonderful model, perfectly adapting to the theme and even braving the cold in just a light dress when it was about -5 degrees!
The beautiful make-up and hair was done by Lucka ( who is a very talented and professinal make-up artist! I couldnt have wished to work with any better! Not only did she create the look exactly as I had in mind but also went with us around Prague to do the touch-ups and small changes during the photoshoot, which all helped in getting the unique style for every photo! Thank you very much girls and I hope to work again with you both in the future! :-)

PS. Photos will be uploaded tomorrow!:-)

Tak je to konecne tady! Fotky 'Moda 30-tych let' jsou hotove! Myslim, ze vypadaji skvele, presne to v co jsem doufala (mozna jeste i lepsi)!!!

Chtela bych vam rict neco vic za mym napadem fotit prave modu a styl 30-tych let. Mozna jsem se jiz drive zminila, ze mne inspirovala fotka me prababicky jak jde dolu po Vaclavskem namesti v Praze z roku 1936. Zacala jsem vyhledavat ruzne informace o mode, stylu liceni a vlasech z te doby a narazila jsem na par cernobilych filmu pro pametniky a zamilovala jsem se do fotek Lidi Baarove (nemusim snad ceskemu narodu popisovat, jak krana Lida Baarova byla!:-)) ( Uz jsem ji samozrejme znala drive diky moji mamince, ktera se kazdou nedeli divala na filmy pro pametniky, kdyz jsem byla mala holka! :-) To mne trochu nakoplo, abych zkusila vytvorit fotky, ktere by vas prenesly zpet do casu, kdy ceskoslovenske filmy patrily mezi ty nejlepsi v Evrope!

Tady je par fotek ze zakulisi foceni! Chtela bych hrozne moc podekovat Magde (, ktera je skvela modelka, perfektne se vzila do sve role a dokonce i skvele ustala mrazy, ktere v te dobe v Praze panovaly!
Skvely make-up a vlasy vytvorila Lucka (! Velmi profesionalni a talentovana vizazistka! Nemohla jsem si ani prat pracovat s lepsi vizazistkou! Nejen ze vytvorila vizaz jakou jsem presne mela na mysli, jeste s nami i vyrazila do ulic Prahy, aby na Magdine make-upu a vlasech delala drobne upravy! To pomohlo unikatni vizazi na kazde fotce!
Dekuji moc, holky! Doufam, ze budeme pokracovat a ze spolu budeme jeste v budoucnu pracovat!
PS. Fotky sem dodam zitra :-)

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Kids Portraits

Kids Portraits

Hi Everyone, I am back in the UK!
My holidays were extremely busy but very enjoyable as I had lots of different photoshoots. As mentioned in my previous post the and most exiciting shoot was the vintage 1930s fashion photoshoto! I worked with a great make-up artist and model which helped to create the photos I had hoped for! I will post the whole photo shoot on here soon and tell you more about it :)
For now I would like to show you a couple of kids portraits that I did in Czech Republic.
I will be soon back with more!
Lucie xxx
PS. You can find more photos on!/group.php?gid=122749807766186